

Guia 2021


Cotação de Ingredientes

Guia de Fornecedores


Arla to launch Mimica Touch “bumpy” labels capable of minimizing food waste

Danish milk, cheese and cream giant, Arla, is set to introduce a new high-tech food label that turns ‘bumpy’ when food has expired on its dairy products. The innovation – developed by a start-up company, Mimica, – holds hope of reducing food waste as labels deteriorate at the same rate as the packaged product, providing consumers with an accurate indication as to whether food is edible, or ready for the bin.

According to the recycling body, Wrap, the average UK household disposes of £470 (US$658) worth of food annually and in 2015, 7.3 tons of food was thrown away, or which an estimated 4.4 tons were avoidable. Likewise, The Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN estimates that globally one-third of food produce is wasted, particularly fruit and vegetables.

Solveiga Pakštaitė, founder and director of Mimica, spoke about how the "rugged" label can help address the global issue of food waste: "Currently, supermarkets use the" worst case "dates because they are not able to track exactly the temperatures at which food travels in the supply chain and, on some occasions, accidents occur and food is kept at a higher temperature than required. "

“In most cases, the worst case scenario never comes, and so with the Mimica Touch, we would allow supermarkets to display the longer ‘expected date’ because if something does go wrong, then the label will turn bumpy and the product can be pulled off the shelf. By bringing in a biologically-accurate indicator, more often than not it will prove that our food lasts a lot longer than we think it does, and this has the potential to reduce enormous amounts of food waste.”

Pakštaite was previously named MIT Technology Review’s Inventor of the Year for the food expiry label. “Creating this kind of freshness indicator has never been done before and so it's taken the Mimica R&D team two and a half years to develop the technology.”

“One of the early barriers for us was finding a lab with the specialized gel experimental equipment we needed to develop the product, and in the end, we ended up partnering with the University of Chester that has a rare gels research lab and basing our R&D team among the top experts in this specialized field.”

“The label is calibrated specifically for each food product and gives a tactile response – smooth when fresh and bumpy when the food is no longer safe for consumption. If the food is spoiling quicker than usual due to an increase in temperature, so will the label.”

Wrap has estimated that dairy products could have an extra three days of shelf life with label technology such as Mimica Touch able to accurately indicate the freshness of products.

Arla is planning to run consumer tests in the UK later this year to gauge market reaction in anticipation of a commercial roll-out of the new labels in supermarkets. An Arla representative said: “Our first step is to test consumer feedback on the product but we are excited by the possibility Mimica labels might bring in reducing food waste by giving a far more accurate indication of product expiration than date labels.”

From a business perspective, there is a logic behind Arla’s project, with Innova Market Insights pinpointing the “mindful consumer” as one of its top predicted market trends for 2018. The ’mindful consumer’ priorities the ethical and environmental impact of the products they purchase.

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