

Guia 2021


Cotação de Ingredientes

Guia de Fornecedores


Arla: helping bakers with egg substitute

Arla Foods Ingredients says it is helping bakers reduce their dependence on eggs while creating cakes with consumer appeal and long shelf-life.

Based on whey protein, the company’s Nutrilac is described as a natural alternative to eggs, offering similar properties and several advantages.

Sensory evaluations are said to show that cakes made with Nutrilac retain a moister, fresher feel over their shelf life, and have a less fragile, more resilient crumb. As well as helping manufacturers meet consumer demand for cage-free products, it is pathogen-free, ensuring food safety.

Arla says that Nutrilac also provides greater supply security and helps manufacturers avoid the risk that comes from fluctuations in egg prices. It offers longer shelf life than fresh eggs and does not require refrigeration, allowing cost savings from ambient transportation. Other benefits include lower storage space requirements – a single bag of Nutrilac can replace around 4000 eggs.

Maria Olsen, Senior Category Manager, Bakery, at Arla Foods Ingredients, said: “Eggs can offer structure, stability and richness, and there’s a reason they’ve been used in cakes for centuries. However, changing consumer demands mean many manufacturers are now seeking to reduce their dependence on them. Nutrilac offers similar properties to egg but also a range of advantages. It can improve taste and texture without any change to water activity, even when egg content is reduced by 50% or more.”

Nikolaj Beck, Regional Account Manager, North America, at Arla Foods Ingredients, said “As well as helping bakers respond to the needs of a new generation of consumers, replacing eggs can bring benefits such as price stability and supply security. With Nutrilac®, baking high-quality cakes with less egg is not only possible, but also an excellent business strategy. It’s the natural way to make the transition to cage-free.

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