

Guia 2021


Cotação de Ingredientes

Guia de Fornecedores


The Future of Emulsifiers

In decades to come, using a widening variety of raw ingredients will be needed to get more out of our foods. And emulsifiers will be needed to make much of it possible.

Emulsifiers, stabilizers & know-how put to work

Palsgaard A/S, the inventor of the modern food emulsifier, was established in 1919 – and we still have our headquarters where it all began: in a 600-year old manor house complete with moat and surrounding park, forests and farmland. Proud traditions of quality and craftsmanship underlie today’s broad product range, which includes high-performing emulsifiers and stabilizers for margarine, bakery, dairy, ice cream, soy, confectionery and fine foods as well as functional agents for polymer applications. Emphasis is placed on effectiveness, innovation and strict food safety procedures.

Palsgaard has served the global food processing industry for decades and our continued ability to serve our customers is ensured by the company’s status as a self-owning foundation with significant financial assets, which allows the company to take a long-term view with focus on experience, credibility and thorough know-how of customers’ processes and challenges.

CSR is part of our DNA

Sustainability and the use of pure raw materials have been close to Palsgaard’s heart from the very beginning. This is reflected in our production facilities around the world, including state-of-the-art factories in Denmark, Malaysia, Netherlands, Mexico and China, and in our commitment to global initiatives such as RSPO-certified sustainable palm oil. By partnering with Palsgaard you’ll be able to meet your customers’ demands for a sustainable business model on palm oil sourcing. Our certified emulsifier factories are able to deliver up to RSPO SCCS SG certified emulsifiers for the food production area you may prefer.

Already in 1908, long before "Corporate Social Responsibility" was conceptualized; Palsgaard's founder Einar Viggo Schou emphasized the importance of acting responsibly and caringly towards the company's employees and families - and the importance of extending this responsibility to society. His principles have meant that Palsgaard has worked with CSR as a core activity for more than a century. We are active in over 100 countries, bringing with us a strong sense of responsibility to act in ways that benefit local and global environments and which are in line with our founding principles.

We've set an overall target of becoming CO2-neutral by 2020. That’s an ambitious target for a company with energy-intensive production processes, but it's just another of the ways in which we care for our world.

Share our know-how

An important cornerstone in Palsgaard’s business is our well-equipped Application Centers in Singapore, China, USA, Mexico, and Denmark. The centers cover all the major food application areas, offering a uniquely personal service where specific needs and preferences - and the realities of local markets – are in focus.

Typically, a Palsgaard application center comprises a fully equipped industrial facility where realistic industrial pilot tests can be carried out. This unique setup facilitates proper up-scaling and vastly increases the likelihood of success in the marketplace.

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Palsgaard A/S

Customer Support Centre




Tel. +45 7682 7682

Fax. +45 7682 7683


Bakery Mixes and Other Bakery Products, Confectionery - Chocolate, Dairy Products - Natural and Imitation, Emulsifiers and Emulsifier Systems

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