

Guia 2021


Cotação de Ingredientes

Guia de Fornecedores


NZMP Launches Gold Whole Milk Powder for UHT Beverage

NZMP, the global ingredients brand of Fonterra, have announced the launch of NZMP GOLD Whole Milk Powder for UHT. Designed specifically for UHT beverages, the new product gives manufacturers longer production runs over standard milk powders, as well as cleaner labelling on their final product and consistent shelf life stability.

NZMP, Fonterra’s dairy ingredients business, has expertise in consumer milk powder that dates back to the 1970s, when they pioneered the instant whole milk powder export market in multi-wall bags. Since then NZMP has developed into a global leader, producing half a million tons of instant whole milk powder per year for customers globally – offering consumer milk powder solutions to some of the world’s biggest brands.

On the development front, the area of advanced nutrition provides a key platform for the company. Recent innovations include a new protein ingredient [IX WPI] that is claimed to deliver up to 10 percent more protein than other standard whey protein offerings. While some protein ingredients have traditionally been formulated from cheese whey, NZMP has used lactic casein whey to make the protein ingredient. Designed for use in sports drinks, the new protein ingredient is higher in protein and lower in carbohydrates than other similar protein products. Earlier this month, the company also launched NZMP Low Lactose Instant Whole Milk Powder (IWMP). This new ingredient has less than 2% lactose and allows consumer milk powder manufacturers to capitalize on the increasing consumer demand for low lactose foods.

Kelvin Wickham, Chief Operating Officer of NZMP spoke with FoodIngredientsFirst about the dairy market and future business plans: “The growth rate of milk is not going to happen in New Zealand, so we will continue to invest in milk pools outside the country and give the optionality of supply to our customers. It’s about working with, and extending our relationships with our current partners.”

“I am very interested in advanced nutrition, in medical nutrition, and how we can go further downstream and work with branded players. I see the blurring of B2B and B2C in the world, so we could look to lock in with someone who has a consumer presence and think what role that we can play as an ingredient partner. It is about going further down the value chain and utilizing the innovation and supply pipeline that we have built.”

You can view the full interview with Kelvin Wickham in the March edition of The World of Food Ingredients here.

Now, this new product offers superior UHT stability and consistent product performance in the process and the formulation. It has good solubility and flow properties as well as the rich creamy flavour manufacturers have come to expect from NZMP premium dairy ingredients.

Jarod Brain, a Senior Research Engineer at Fonterra Research and Development Centre, says UHT milk has become increasingly price sensitive and as a result the R&D team looked for ways to enable customer cost efficiencies during the manufacturing process.

“By developing an even more stable UHT whole milk powder, we’ve been able to reduce the rate of fouling within UHT sterilisers. This allows businesses to run production lines for longer and reduces batch losses, compared to standard whole milk powders. Fewer batch losses mean that our customers are able to minimise wastage, which is also great for the environment,” says Brain.

Not content with just looking for savings in the manufacturing process, Fonterra also identified ways to help UHT milk manufacturers differentiate from competitors and increase their consumer sales proposition.

“Clean labeling is a trend affecting more and more food and beverage companies – and UHT milk is included in this. By controlling critical parameters in the UHT whole milk powder, we’ve been able to reduce the need for our customers to use any additives to manage processing challenges, meaning fewer ingredients on their final ingredient list.

“Changes in the manufacturing process also allow us to help our customers achieve a longer, more consistent shelf life in their product,” says Brain.

NZMP GOLD Whole Milk Powder for UHT is the result of more than two years of research and development, including working closely with a leading producer of UHT milk drinks to meet their specific manufacturing and shelf-life stability requirements. The product is a result of collaboration with this customer and is now their preferred ingredient.

Through this process NZMP identified critical parameters in whole milk powder composition that lead to superior performance in UHT milk drinks.

Ultimately, NZMP GOLD Whole Milk Powder for UHT’s superior performance is achieved during the manufacturing process through:

• The use of new research and development tools that were created to validate changes and control the process

• Optimized, process conditions at Manufacturing plants

• Increased monitoring and testing through the ingredient manufacturing process.

The product is now available in all major markets.

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